for the cupcakes dia mintak design colourful..
(mila yg mtk design colourful, tp nana yg pick up, ahkak pun taktau siapa tuan cupcakes tu?hik3)
tak kisah la, anyway, thank you...
i like the cuppies so much! my friend yg order oreo cheesecake tu pun cakap
cake tu sedap - mila
it's ok if only the icing tu letak a bit more lagi - nana
tak kisah la, anyway, thank you...
i like the cuppies so much! my friend yg order oreo cheesecake tu pun cakap
cake tu sedap - mila
it's ok if only the icing tu letak a bit more lagi - nana
salam Ayu,
Dh rase u punyer month leh order lagi
Helda MPS
TQ helda...kalo nk order gtau awal ckit key..thanksss
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