tempahan cupcakes hantaran in white&pink. thanks Rieda.testimony:
"yummy yummy yummy cupcakes and very sweet deco. everybody loved it so much they were asking for more!thanks ayu"
Liyana from damansara ordered these gold theme cupcakes for 'hantaran'..the flavour was chocolate, strawberry n coffee as requested by her..she came to my house at almost 11pm to pick up the cuppies after some misunderstandings happened.huhu..anyway, congratulations on your engagement. thanks for the order ya...testimony:
"kek tu sedap. manis dia ok & soft. tq so much utk kek yg sedap"
-->me:u r most welcome dear...mama liyana request lebihkan rasa coffee dlm coffee cupcakes yer?..ok akan 'diextrakan' coffeenyer nnti :)
thanks again..
klau aku tau awl2 ko bole wt cuppy, kaler gold lak 2, aku tmpah kt ko hr 2... hu3.. apekan daya.. xde rzki.. hu3..
huhuhu..kaler apa pun boleh dong..cewah riak lak aku haha.
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