banana moist chocolate cake ordered by Pn.Isra O2 from ampang..thank you is! don't forget to let me know what do you think about my cake ya!
Banana Moist Chocolate Cake
Moist chocolate cake layered with sliced banana..yummy!
delicious baked chocolate cake with chocolate ganache and decorated using chocolate shavings/chocolate rice/white chocolate etc (your choice)
Moist Chocolate Cake
this steamed moist chocolate cake with chocolate ganache will never disappoint you each and every time you give a bite of it!
Ayu! Banana Choc Kek ko mmg best. tapi pisang kurang arr. over ke aku ni? Anak2 aku suka hok choclate je tang pisang pass kat aku, tapi hubby.mak.abah n adik2 aku semua suka la.. tak boring sgt choc semata2. Topping pun x manis sgt.Ok la tu..Next time aku order mu bubuh setandan pisang pun takper hahaha!guro jek..
is!banana kurang ke?serius ke wei?aku mmg dah taruk meriah punyer pisang dah..takpe2,next time aku taruk dalam 2 3 tandan gitu kat ko ek ekekeke..nway tq bg komen yer.muahss
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